The college has a very good library having books
related to social work and supportive subjects. The basic books on social work
are still our valued treasure as most of these books are not available in the
open market now a day. The books are available in three languages viz. English,
Hindi and Marathi to cater to the needs of all our students. The library has got
a collection of encyclopedias, which is seldom found in social work colleges.
Besides we make available to the students national and international journals
pertaining to their subjects and fields. Dailies, local and national in all
three languages are subscribed so that the students are up-to-date with what is
going on around. We follow the latest library module to maintain the books and
rare books are kept in the reserve. During the academic year we have added 300
new books on various subjects. At present there are 7520 books available in the
Objective of
the Library
To provide information sources necessary for teaching, learining process in the subjects and
fields of social work to the students.
To assist the teachers to be abreast of the latest development in the area of specialization.
To develop and maintain reading habits among the students.
To help the student in their personal growth and sharpen their intellectual curiosity.
Library Staff
GaytriAsodekarAssistant Librarian
Library Committee
Dr. JugalGhugeMember
Books and Magazines/ journals
Books- 7520
Journals & Magazines-
News Paper- 13 [10 MARATHI , 1 HINDI , 1 ENG]
Online Resources Available
1) National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly
Content (N-List)
2) National Knowledge Network
Membership to the library is open to all the students, faculty,
non-teaching staff , Research Scholars and alumni of the college.
Alumni library Membership:
Deposit Rs.1000 Refundable (when membership closed) and Rs.500 Reading
charges (every year).
Member can issue 1 book for 7 days.
Library is open from Monday to Saturday. It will be closed on Sundays &
Public Holidays. The timings are as follows:
Monday - Saturday: 10 am
to 5 pm
There will be change in library timings during vacation & examination
periods. These changes will be duly notified by the librarian on notice board
Basic Rules:
Students entering the library shall deposit their personal belongings
such as books, bags, files, folders, umbrellas etc. with the person at the
In case of loss of books, the borrower must immediately inform the
librarian of the same in writing.
Silence and a quite atmosphere for study should be maintained in the
library. Discussions should be held outside the library
It is not permitted to smoke or to have refreshments in the library.
Library books should be used very carefully. Writing/making marks in the
books is strictly forbidden. Pages should not be folded to be as book marks.
The librarian gives an orientation talk and practical demonstration on the use
of library resources at the beginning of each academic year to the students of
BSW I and MSW I class.
Inter Library Loan
Our library is partnering with shirishMadhukarraoChaudhari College Jalgaon and
ArunodayaDnyanPrasarakMandal's Women's college of arts, Commerce and Home
Science Jalgaon
under this service scheme.
ReadingAnd Photocopying
The library provides reading and reprography facilities to its users.
Reading Facility
For reading and referring print documents:
The library has a Reading Area near the newspaper and periodical section
Photocopy Facility
Photocopying is a paid service offered by the library to the users. Reference
materials, like periodicals, reference books, and bound volumes, etc. can be
copied and used by the students/users.